It is with pride that we let you know that our HEC retreat program for
the physically disabled is celebrating 31 years of serving a
population who, often times, falls through the cracks. All those
years ago a small group of people discerned that many of our
parishioners were kept from spiritual growth because they either
could not get inside a church or because they required special
accommodations in order to spend the night and have their basic
needs met at a retreat center.
For many years we have used the facilities at Short
Journey Retreat Center in Smithfield. Our group raised the money to
ramp the entrance and renovate the bathrooms to make it possible for
us to retreat in comfort. We advocated for churches around the
diocese to be ramped.
We want to continue to reach out and meet the
spiritual needs of this population. To do that we need your
assistance. Many of our folks live in group homes or subsist on
money from government programs. We are looking for scholarship money
for those who cannot afford to bring themselves to a weekend
retreat. A typical scholarship is $75.
Please consider sending a donation for our retreats. Please pray for
this blessed ministry and feel free to refer any parishioners who
might be called to volunteer with us or want to attend a retreat. We
operate on a buddy system, so we need an able-bodied person for each
disabled person who registers.
Please click the "Donate" button below to make an
online donation.
OR: Mail your contributions to: Handicapped Encounter Christ (HEC)
P. O. Box 383
Cary, North Carolina 27512